Archive for the 'something new for me' Category



today i heard a lecture about US economy and finance, how the current world economy crisis began to happen, why, and how they will affect the other nations.

i felt sad, i just don’t want the 97-98 economy crisis to happen again, but i think it can’t be avoided since the situation is already very serius (especially in US).

is this the signs that US’ dominant super power will be handed to other country? i’m curious how long US dollars can maintain it’s position as world’s international exchange money, and how will they face the fact that their domestic property market is in a chaos (the people’s idea about credit is different from the conservative asians).

in the bible, it was written that someday, the price of bread will be 1 dinar, which is the standard salary for a day for everyone, which means that one day the prices will go up to the sky, but the salary isn’t. I believe in God’s words. but i have to admit i am nervous these days, with Rupiah weakening day by days, and as you see, there’s no where to run now, neither to “wealthy” western counrty or “poor” third world country, there is no unshakeable thing in the world, the economy always declining (as far as i know). all i know is that my God is unshakeable, so, be strong fellas, get a grip and don’t  be blown away by this 國際金融海嘯 (int’l finance tsunami).

you can choose more than one

please vote, and write comments on how you think about the world’s crisis now.



white flag

my heart is fragile

my mind is fragile

my feeling is fragile

everything in me is fragile

although i looked strong, well composed

but deep inside, i’m just a crybaby

you know that, you know it very well

but still, you hurt me whenever you feel like it

you make me miserable and you never care


Continue reading ‘white flag’


i got home

and find almost everything had changed


(explanation: my hometown is called surabaya city, sura is shark and baya is crocodile, there’s a long story myth about this 2 animals that shaped the history of my city)

for only 1 short year I left my home, but there are so many changings, not in my house, but in my families and friends’ lifes, i went to church and find that the decoration is very different, i met some of my highschool fellas, and they are different too, the tomboy girls becomes feminine (carrying “tante2” handbags, wearing high heels, make up, etc). and i feel that i don’t fit here anymore, feel like an alien among humans, i can’t imagine what if i hadn’t choose to go to taiwan and just be here like everybody else, what if i’m carrying those “tante2” handbags that i hate so much? what if i went to a local university here? maybe i’ll be just like them, which is not bad or anything, it’s just me, who think so much lately.

one of my mom’s cousin is dying of bone cancer, it’s already too late when they find about the cancer, already the 4th stadium, so i’m guessing that there’s no much time left for her and her kids, feel so miserable about this news, because some women in my mom’s family tree died because of cancer, which means i have to be careful.

my lovely cousin’s wedding party is coming, she’s extremely busy, her mother too, i feel honored that she chose me to be her bridemaid, and she’s very liberal that my bridemaid dress isn’t white colored, like other bridemaids, mine is dark brown, well, maybe the guests won’t be aware if i’m the bridesmaid, haha, it’s okay, i’m “dare to be different”.

it’s such a war in my head, one side keep says that i don’t belong here anymore, the faster i go back to taiwan the better, but the other side says that there is no place better than home, i don’t have to do any chores, never have to cook, wash, clean, and i have my parents by my side to provide me everything i need. @@

the only thing that haven’t changed is the food, of course, it’s still as delicious as before, even tastes better because i haven’t eat them for a long time.



bihun bebek jakarta


pepes ikan


ice cream zangrandi


ayam betutu




and many more….

(i ate those food, but the pictures are from google)



di kampung halaman, sempet nonton film nya Vin diesel babylon ad, yang sblm ditonton terkesan keren


my personal review about this movie:

no explanation about the situation of the world they live in, war everywhere, there were a lot of very cool scenes, and very futuristic also, but the what i hate the most is how this movie ends, very weird and make you mad, well, since i watch this with only paying 10.000 rupiahs (promotional price), i think it’s worth it.

i’ve left surabaya for more than a year, and there are so many changes, so many new buildings, new apartment, new department stores, new restaurant, cheap price in cinemas, and i think to myself, do i really leave this place for only 1 year? it changes a lot, more big city-ish then before.

most of my highschool friends alraedy busy with university’s tasks and homeworks, so they have no time to spend with me, of course i understand, but still…… i expect them to spare some time with me…

for my bestfriend adrian, i wish you have a successfull career in  OZ, and i know you have a bright future with God by your side.


this time

it’s for real

i’m saying good bye with korean dramas for good…

it doesn’t means that i won’t watch any korean dramas until the end of my life

but i just won’t sit in front of my laptop and watch it for hours…

i want to use my 10.000 days (which are the remaining days of my life, well, approximately) to study better, so i can get better scores on my courses, or i do something more meaningful than that.

for those who knows me, can you scold me hard if someday you find me still watching those dramas?


7432_pic001 Capital_Scandal

above are 2 of my fave dramas….. T.T


it’s the truth

that relationship isn’t based on memories, but based on contact maintenance.

maksutnya itu, hubungan yang dekat itu bukan berdasarkan kenangan, tapi berdasarkan frekuensi kontak setiap harinya. kenangan cuma kenangan, seperti foto yang tergantung pada dinding, bagus dilihat dan membuat kita mengingat masa lalu, tapi nggak ada artinya karena nggak nyata, karena uda berlalu, karena cuma bisa diingat, dan karena otak manusia itu amat terbatas, jadi gampang lupa. tapi hubungan yang benar2 dekat dan dianggap berarti adalah yang sekarang, seindah2nya yang dulu2 bersama orang lain, hanya indah di dalam angan2, indah di dalam foto, tapi 摸不著的. yang sekarang, itu lah yang berarti, buat orang2, yang lalu biar berlalu.

sedih tapi beneran, ancur berkeping2 atiku ngeliat temen yang dulu deket, makan, tidur, belajar, kemana2 bareng, uda kayak perangko, aku panggil dia mama, karena kita deket banget, sejak lahir sampe sekarang aku tetep merasa nggak ada seorang pun yang menyamai selera humorku kayak dia, klo lagi bercanda bisa sampe pagi krn gak habis2, waktu dia pulang ke negaranya aku nangis2 kayak orang stress, gak bisa brenti, berhari2 lagi, tiap malem nangisin dia.

tapi sekarang kita kayak orang gak kenal, ketemu ngomong seadanya aja, aku uda susah payah membuka pembicaraan, uda susah payah ngajak ngomong, tapi responnya bener2 dikit. mau marah gak bisa karena memang aku sama dia memang jarang banget keluar walau sama2 si 台北, rumah dia juga deket 台大. aku ndak marah, tapi cuma sedih, kenapa… kok kita jadi begini, padahal dulu walau gak ketemu tapi  tiap hari nulis email panjang2. orang yang dekat dia sekarang ya yang sekarang, yang dulu yah biar jadi kenangan.

jadi, nikmatilah teman2mu yang sekarang, nikmati dan jaga baik2 yang ada sekarang, karena bener2 hanya untuk sekarang, di masa depan kalian ketemu, nggak akan bisa kembali ke apa yang kalian punya sekarang. dan andai lu uda baca dan ingat2 tulisanku ini, besok2 jangan marah atau sedih lagi, tapi harus mengerti dan maklum, karena otak manusia terbatas, folder memorinya gak semutakhir komputer.

我為你哭也沒有用, 為了之前的回憶哭更無用

你有了自己的現在, 不必再想之前的

但, 雖然你忘掉我, 連我喝了忘情藥, 我永遠不會忘記我們的回憶吧

聰明的你, 請告訴我, 為什麼寫這篇文章的時候, 我的眼睛充滿了眼淚呢?


–Lo siento–미안 해요–Je suis désolé–

(my reasons, written in German)

Ich habe keine bösen Absichten zu anderen Menschen schaden, ich möchte nur damit sie sehen, was wirklich passiert, in Myanmar, ist es sehr tragischen Katastrophe, und sie wirklich Hilfe benötigen.

(all my apologies, in french, spanish, and korean)

Je suis désolé que j’ai envoyé quelque chose de nocif dans vos emails et si vous ne voulez pas voir les photos à l’intérieur, de la supprimer s’il vous plaît.

Lamento que me haya enviado algo perjudicial en los mensajes de correo electrónico y si usted no quiere ver las fotos dentro, sólo por favor, bórrelo.

죄송합니다에 유해한가 나는 무언가를 귀하의 이메일을 전송하고 사진을하지 않는 경우를보기를 원한다는 내부, 그냥 삭제하면 그것을하시기 바랍니다.


cadeaux d’affaires

arti judul diatas tuh gift business

punya hobby baru selain nulis2, yaitu milih kado!!!! bareng ma dita kemaren jalan2 di 師大夜市, gak peduli ujan besar, bechek (ala cincha,XDD) kita tetep kliling2 demi nyari kado.

akhirnya ketemu toko2 yang barangnya aneh2, unik2, dengan harga yang masi logis…

lain kali kalau ada yang merasa pusing nyari2 kado, aku bisa bantu or kasi2 saran…


kayanya besok2 bisa buka usaha bisnis nyari kado… hohoho

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1. God bless my whole big family and friends
2. practice my chinese more often
3. be a dilligent student
4. loss 4 kgs
5. saving money
6. be a better daughter, better sister

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